
Well come...

Oh, you poor darling, stumbling across this shite, um, site. Did someone send you...? Is Uncle Google unwell...?! Oh well, you're here now, so while you wait for another page to load feel free to tune into my brain as it explodes words all over the page... On a good day some may end up randomly coherent and somewhat meaningful... On an awesome day, I will just throw shit and see what sticks.

Your experience here will be greatly rewarded if you have a working knowledge of 'Survivor' (the understated, barely-known American reality show, not the ridiculous, be-mulleted band), 'Today' (Australian version avec Karl Stefanovic and co. [don't get me started, just watch the clip in my first post...]), 'Judge Judy' (again, wha...?), insomnia (not the Christopher Nolan film) and (last, but methinks most) decent music.

And it would possibly help if your literacy skills could keep up with my over-convoluted, ridiculously complicated (over-grammarised, I hear... and could be marred by totally invented wordicles...), tangent-laden sentences. Say what? Nothin... Just ignore me.


Tuesday 1 November 2011

Ozzy: Revolutionist or Retard...???

I'm sorry. But don't say I didn't warn you... Survivor does just rule. And HUSH all you people who wanna tell me it's 'fake'. (Lalalalalallalalalalaalaaaaaa...) 

And for those who came in late, this link is fantastic to put my little rant in context. Many, many thanks to the uploader. It is just what I needed. :)

Enjoy... xxx

Yes... that just happened. (*giggle*) And seeing as though me and Oz are like this (yeah, that...) I felt compelled to drop him a line and vent my frustrations. I'll let you know when he gets back to me...

*long, heavy, heartfelt sigh*

Oh Ozzy... Oh dear lord, I love you! But you know you are a fucking moron, right? Sweety, really, what the hell were you thinking? Ok, we get it; you're a nice guy, a team player. You want to win with skill and honour and integrity. Yep, we hear you. 

But here's the thing... Ultimately you want to WIN. W I N... I think. Don't you?
I mean, hell, this is the third time you've played the game. You keep getting your flame snuffed and are both sexy and endearing enough for us to want to see you back... Cos WE would like to see you win. You're The Good Guy, right...?

And darling, please note, you are NOT my type. I am not generally attracted to 'The Good Guy'. I am much keener on the Boston Rob's of this world; first, rawwwwr @ the accent and second, meh... Rob is a gutsy prick who gets what he wants, and yes, he stands on a couple of people along the way, but they generally need trampling anyways. He understands that only ONE person is gonna win and he plays as if he would very much like it to be him. So please don't get me wrong; I don't have some pathological attraction to arseholes. I hope Russel Hantz cries every time he has sex for the rest of his life, the shitty, little bastard. But Ozzy, my sweet, precious player... OZZY!!! If I could shake you by your extremely well-toned and tanned shoulders and give you a slap across that cute, yet handsome face, I would. And you'd bloody well love it. (Oh, and make sure you still have the plaits in... rawr!)

Now Ozzy, let me get this straight... Let me just make sure I have this right. You have the majority of your tribe members on side. You have a loser douchebag (who has needed to go since week one) completely and obviously screw-up the challenge and present himself as an absolute sitting duck. (Yes, YOU Coch-head, you pasty, little turd!) You have the Hidden Immunity Idol. Like, you HAVE the thing... Ok, you're thinking strategy. Hunni, they edit this show so well, I saw early in the episode how the cards were gonna fall. I could see what you had up your sleeve. But more; after three seasons together, Oz, I guess I kinda know you now. You are like the old school Champion who went into battle on behalf of his King or Queen. You're the Sacrificial Lion; the numbers are down and someone has to run the gauntlet for your team... Is it gonna be the useless fuck who has repetitively let you all down...? Or is it gonna be You...? Yeah. Duh... (*head shake avec sigh*) 

But come on... To give the Immunity Idol to the very person who should be going to Redemption in your place? To take the chance that the game remains the same and The Merge is coming...? To not have a sniff in the air that the scrawny, mouthy, seemingly 'loser' chick who has just won the last four Redemption Challenges might just have survived all that just to be the weak, old lady to ultimate make you her bitch...? To not see that if this doesn't work out like you have planned, you will be screwed over by two of the 'weakest' players in the game, and your own sense of arrogant martyrdom, ultimately making you the biggest loser the game has ever seen...? To not see that if that happens, this love affair is over. OVER, I say! Hoh-lee... Big stakes, baby. Not to mention the million bucks...

Tribal Council was great, though. You really did make it wonderful, so thank-you for that. I still have a rather pathetic smirk on my face, these several hours later, as I recall Jeff's utter look of 'what the fuck?' when you dropped that bomb. So hats off for that; Jeff's wtf face is total gold! Excellent work too on your 'nah-I've-changed-my-mind' gag... I am pretty sure I heard Coch-head fill his pants... *snigger*. And last, but not least, I LOVED your vote... I must say that up until those final moments as the credits rolled over the montage of the votes, I was considering getting off board; you are so ridiculously frustrating it is unbearable to the point of jaw-dropped grunts and gesticulations. I HATE it ! Then I saw your vote, and the look on your face as you cast it: 'Coach'. Ozzy, if this pans out we are going to Vegas to elope. (Restraining Order, or not...) You are way too funny; it's awesome.

Anyways, my dear... Nuff said. I best be off to print this out, roll it up, and stick it in a bottle. Or maybe I'll  just post it on my blog... I'll check the tides. But all the best with your cunning plan. All the very best... Lots of love and faith to you !!! xxx

PS: If you DO happen to get home early, can you text me Boston Rob's number, please? The emails I send him keep bouncing back at me! Cheers Oz! xxx 


  1. ozzy justs to go to redemption to escape his loser tribe. dont blame him...

  2. LOL !
    No blame will be attributed UNTIL he fucks up... IF he fucks up.

    But watch this space... I have a feeling I will be writing in tears if his plan fails.

  3. Puzzle me this - how many Ozzies does it take to change a light bulb??????

    I don't know either - is it possible he's so fucking dumb that he can't change one????

    I can see Ozzie creating a new game by chucking light bulbs at a socket from 20 paces and wondering why they wont stick.

    Oz - you need to put some spin on them like James McAvoy does with bullets in the movie Wanted.

    As Jethro is to the Beverley Hill Billies so it is that the lovable Oz is to Survivor.

    Cheers - LJ

  4. Ah LJ... love love LOVE ya work. I am thinking when Mark Burnett sees this blog, he's gonna be sending you a massive cheque for that concept. And yes, absolute and blatant stupidity.
    It might start being safer for me to believe it IS all staged and scripted...

  5. Oh Buff... How deliciously succinct you are. If only you made some sense. Now, it seems you are saying you don't give a fuck and wonder why I do, but then don't cos that would mean you 'giving a shit about old farts'... Do I have that straight?
    If so, I wonder why you bothered commenting at all... I'm kinda thinking that was a dodge attempt at trolling... If so, please up the level to Over-18 and get some grammar. Otherwise, go get on with not giving a fuck...

  6. OK - The Light Bulb Theory of Relativity according to Losjugs - a bit late but still relative (me thinks).
    Keith and Jim lift Ozzie to the light socket but fuck it up because they can't agree on which way to turn him - Ozzie is no help but please that he's at least got to the socket and he's not afraid of heights (brave boy).
    Edna looks blank - "what light bulb?"
    Coach tells Edna to stick with him and he'll fix it - Coach then just stares at the light bulb (Uri Geller style) mentally coaxing it into the socket with his BIG brain - Edna looks on in awe.
    Sophie agrees the bulb belongs in the socket
    Cochrane thinks he's developing a master plan for either (or both) the bulb and the socket but in reality doesn't know which end goes where, he becomes frustrated at the taunts, picks up the bulb, breaks it across a tree trunk and threatens to stab anyone who comes near him.
    Coach is still meditating on the bulb as Edna continues to look on - she swears she saw it move and coach is the son of God (if he wants to be).
    Dawn just loves all light bulbs because they're people too and have rights.
    Coach is now enlisting the help of the tribe and praying for the bulb.
    Whitney thinks Keith would look hot with a couple of bulbs shoved in his jocks.
    Edna said something but no one took any notice -might have been about the bulb moving but who knows/cares.
    Albert's discussing with Rick the merits of the bulb - but don't tell coach.
    Rick's just Rick - scratches his arse and his nuts before shrugging.
    Sophie agrees Rick scratched his nuts.
    And lastly - the sick little fuck Brandon. Brandon thinks the light bulb is evil and the work of the devil - it reminds him of Mykala's boobies (spoken in high pitched voice) and needs to be destroyed – he also had an accident in his jocks while thing of the bulbs – aka Mykala’s boobies
    Edna asks Coach if it's OK for her to say "Huh"
    Jeff keeps turning the lights off and on just to confuse them.

  7. Juggsy! This is absolute genius. Better late than never! I laughed til I had tears reading this... So spot-on! But the last line was just brilliant. Cos ultimately we all know that they are ALL Jeff's bitches. Even the lovely lil Ozzie.

    Wonderful! Thank-you!
