
Well come...

Oh, you poor darling, stumbling across this shite, um, site. Did someone send you...? Is Uncle Google unwell...?! Oh well, you're here now, so while you wait for another page to load feel free to tune into my brain as it explodes words all over the page... On a good day some may end up randomly coherent and somewhat meaningful... On an awesome day, I will just throw shit and see what sticks.

Your experience here will be greatly rewarded if you have a working knowledge of 'Survivor' (the understated, barely-known American reality show, not the ridiculous, be-mulleted band), 'Today' (Australian version avec Karl Stefanovic and co. [don't get me started, just watch the clip in my first post...]), 'Judge Judy' (again, wha...?), insomnia (not the Christopher Nolan film) and (last, but methinks most) decent music.

And it would possibly help if your literacy skills could keep up with my over-convoluted, ridiculously complicated (over-grammarised, I hear... and could be marred by totally invented wordicles...), tangent-laden sentences. Say what? Nothin... Just ignore me.


Sunday 6 November 2011

Chemists Who Promote Generic Meds Slightly Annoy Me...

A few weeks ago I won second prize in a Monopoly beauty contest. Instead of tossing my silken locks with pride, and gracefully accepting the ten bucks, I decided to opt for a sledgehammer. Seemed an odd choice at the time, but it was just there... 

Now, if one more chemist tries to tell me I don't need the actual medication written on my prescription, and that the generic brand they have in stock is exactly the same, but cheaper ( yes! cheaper!)...
I will take said sledgehammer from my wallet (where it fits as sweetly as my ten bucks woulda... It's magickal, you know?) and I will commit unspeakable acts on and to the Clinique counter. 

Don't care what you say; don't give a flying hoot what your 'research' or 'science' predicts... Generic medications are NOT the same as their brand name counterparts... I'll write a story one day. Til then, you ignorant fuck chemist arseholes... suck my balls.

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